All of our puppies are adopted with full AKC and no restrictions, which means you will have full breeding rights and can show in AKC events.
I am a registered AKC Breeder and have been breeding AKC Registered dogs for: 30+ years.
I will provide AKC individual dog registration applications to the puppy buyer.
If the puppy buyer cannot keep a puppy purchased from me, I will take the puppy back under all conditions.
I will provide the puppy buyer with information about socialization, exercise, training, feeding, immunizations, proper veterinary care, and responsible dog ownership.
NOTE: We have received a few calls from individuals who advised they were contacted by an individual who claims he is an employee of sonorandoxies.com and referenced a different website name, he also said he is from Mesa.
Sonoran Doxies (www.sonorandoxies.com) is only managed by my wife and I.
We do not have any employees, nor do we advertise on any other web site, except Facebook.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us directly.
We are accepting deposits for puppies,
Deposit amount is $500.00.
Morongo and Shawnee had a litter born on November 27, 2024.
These puppies will be ready to go to their forever homes on January 20, 2025.
Morongo - Sire
Short Hair Piebald

Shawnee - Dam
Long Hair Red

Blue / Tan
Long Hair Female
Black / Tan
Short Hair Male
Blue Dapple Piebald
Long Hair Male
Isabella Dapple Piebald
Long Hair Male
Morongo and Shasta had a litter born on December 23, 2024.
These puppies will be ready to go to their forever homes on February 17, 2025.
Morongo - Sire
Short Hair Piebald

Shasta - Dam
Long Hair Black

Black - Female
Short Hair Male
Black/White Piebald
Long Hair Male
Morongo and Pima are expecting a litter around February 28, 2025